Monday, May 12, 2008

Starless and Bible Black Sabbath



Folkmaster Flex himself, Mike Roberts, is back in the U-nited States and going ripshit on his guitar. He posted an absolutely spectacular cover of Nico’s (Jackson Browne’s) “These Days” upon his return and somewhat 12-gauged my mind. Kid is so damn talented it makes me want to vomit…PRAISE!

So. In response to Mike’s open call for cover suggestions, I thought I’d be the smart ass I tend to be and suggest a seemingly un-coverable song (and one of my all-time favorites), “Starless” by King Crimson. It’s a 12-minute song with strange/difficult chord changes, a killer build and a monumental guitar solo that makes you want destroy everything non-living within a 10 to 20 foot radius.

Anyway. Of course. Mike killed it. Slayed that fucking thing and made it his bitch. One thing (of many things) I can say about Mike is that the guy just knows how to make good music. He’s by far the most talented musician I know and seriously and simply knows what sounds good. So he took “starless” and made it his own - Mike’s folk-on-top-of-its-head, down-n-dirty, yellowed beer-drinking awesome sandwich.

For the love of god, check out the song on mike’s blog and divvy the props accordingly.


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