Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mo' Music....

They say first is the worst, second is the best and third…well, third’s got that derned hairy chest.

Last night was round two of DJ action at River Gods here in boston and it was, well, the best. The crowd was frothing for heat and you know damn well I gave it to them. So much so that bar stools and the standard River Gods’s thrones became unnecessary. Everyone got elevated. They floated around the room like those stoned punks in Half Baked - choking on the smoldering musicjuice being blasted through their brains.

Yea. I’m confident. So what? If I weren’t so damn pumped by the tunes I spin/click then why the hell would I offer them up to you, oh treasured blog reader? I seek to spread the ashes of my charred rock unto your fertile sponge brains so that a leafy soulpsych insanity bush sprouts from within. And the same shivers my own brainshrub passes through me may one day rattle your spine with gale-force-winds of musical glee. Best take out insurance before your brain tree smashes your brain Honda.


Hopefully they’ll let me DJ again so that I can get some short/curlies on this David Chokachi-esque barefront chest-o-mine.

River Gods - 5/8 - 1
River Gods - 5/8 - 2

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