Saturday, March 22, 2008

Twin Vixen Press

A friend from college and her friend who i am not yet friends with but in time hope to develop a friendship with after i meet her have opened a print studio in Brattleboro, VT. Helen's etchings are fucking ridiculously cool and if i had spare cash i would buy them all. Check out their new site which I'm sure will be updated frequently as these two ladies produce amazing new works from their amazing new digs.

Also. If any of you are in North Brattleboro, VT and have a hankerin' for some SERIOUS pulled pork, hit up the Vermont Country Deli where they glaze the pig in Vermont maple syrup. Some of the best my buds have ever encountered.

This serves as a fine example of my theory that New York is like a mirror for the south. Everything you might think of as southern restarts on your way north from new york city, but reversed. Hot, cold. repubs, dems. waterskiing, skiing skiing. honey glaze, and now maple glaze.

I think i'll call it, "The New York City Cultural Mirror Theory."

Go ahead. Mull it over.

Ya heard?

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